Makeup trends really do come and go but there are some that really do tend to stay, so I wanted to share the 4 Makeup Trends to Try this Summer 2019 that you’ll want to keep wearing all year long. Let’s get right into it! Colored Glossy Lips I really used to be a matte lip all day…
Using a serum was never something I considered integral to my skincare routine. It was one of those steps that I figured was just companies trying to sell yet another somewhat useless product to get people to spend their money on. And then to make matters even worse, one day I decided to use this super high potent Vitamin C…
Just recently, the state of New York passed legislation that would deem illegal the act of discrimination against hairstyles that are predominantly worn by Black people (i.e. braids, twists, locs, twist outs, afros, etc.) in the workplace and/or school. In the year of our Lord 2019, this legislation JUST passed. Kinda crazy…right? I think every black woman…
I’ve used my fair share of facial cleansers. Some have worked wonderfully, and some have left me regretting the fact that I even spent my hard earned dollars on it. But, that’s ok! Because of those trials and experiences, I am able to share my top 3 facial cleansers for sensitive skin! YASSSS SIS! In last week’s…
The winter can mean dry and flaky skin. It’s during this time that I take the most precaution with keeping my skin as moisturized as possible. Even with oily skin, it is imperative that I keep my skin moisturized, to avoid any overproduction of oil to compensate. Overproduction of oil on your face can cause clogged pores, which leads…
Hey Y’all! Today I’m sharing this brown shimmer eye look that will take you 5 minutes, no exaggeration. Some days we have time to sit in the mirror and take our dear precious time to get the look we want (for my birthday, it took me about 20 mins to do one eye), but most days, we are…
I don’t wear foundation everyday. Mainly out of sheer laziness. While I do enjoy putting on a full face, it takes a lot of effort, and most days, I want effortless. But there are two makeup applications I never leave the house without: Brows and Eyelashes! To be honest, these features are my favorite on my face (besides my…
So, in case you didn’t notice, I am now a blonde :D. Made the change back in February and honestly, have not looked back since! It’s kinda crazy because I nevvveeeerr thought I would dye my hair, let alone, dye it blonde. But when Byrdie & dpHue House here in Los Angeles asked me to come in for…