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Category: Skincare

Glowy Skin in the Winter

The winter can mean dry and flaky skin. It’s during this time that I take the most precaution with keeping my skin as moisturized as possible. Even with oily skin, it is imperative that I keep my skin moisturized, to avoid any overproduction of oil to compensate. Overproduction of oil on your face can cause clogged pores, which leads…

Winter Body Skincare Routine w/ Vaseline

Thank you to Vaseline for providing the products used in this post Hey Everyone! Now that Winter is around the corner (3 days to be exact), I’ve been paying waaayyy more attention to my skin and how it is reacting to the weather. I was never the type to really notice a major change in my skin from season…

All About that Face: Keeping your Skin Fresh and Hydrated

Today we are going to touch on skin care. I’m sure we all know that flawless skin usually coincides with flawless makeup application. My skin is labeled as acne prone a.k.a I get random pimples and breakouts every now and then. It’s always been a semi struggle trying to find skin care that works well with…