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Category: Holiday Lifestyle + Wellness

Cinnamon Spice Holiday Sangria for Your Next Party

If there’s one thing I take delight in during the holidays, it’s a holiday themed cocktail! I’m sharing my take on a Cinnamon Spice Holiday Sangria. The combination of flavors, cinnamon, orange, and cranberries that are reminiscent of the season always leave me wanting more. This post includes affiliate links. If you choose to purchase through the…

Coping with Holiday Stress: Useful Tips for a Joyful Season

As much as this can be the happiest time of the year, coping with holiday stress can seem like an impossible task. I can admit that there’s this unspoken expectation of how I feel this season should be. So when things go a little awry, it can feel like the holiday spirit has been completely sucked out. Continue reading…

Navigating Holiday Blues: Practical Tips for a Joyful Season

This time of year can feel extremely heavy for a lot of people, me included. Since my mom’s passing, Christmas season has never felt fully the same and I find myself grieving a bit harder than usual. Below are some ways I am navigating holiday blues, in hopes that it’ll help you too! This post has been updated…

A Guide to Traveling Stress Free for the Holidays

Holiday travel can be summed up into one word: STRESSFUL! Whether you’re a first time or frequent flier, these holiday travel tips post will be beneficial. Alleviate the stress in preparing for a trip by reading some things I’ve learned below. Flight Search We’ve all been guilty of trying to book last minute flights especially around the…