I used to loath V-Day. It felt like a reminder of what I didn’t have. But there’s only so much sulking and complaining one can do. So in recent years, I’ve taken it upon myself to be more intentional about enjoying the holiday for what it is: LOVE. And that can be love…
If you want to know how to take great Instagram photos, then you’re in right place! I’ve been taking IG and blog photos for quite some time now (about 10 years to be exact) and there are tips and tricks I have learned along this journey. These tips have helped me to elevate my content and…
If there’s one thing I enjoy, it’s routine. I like knowing when things are going to happen and how they will happen. Obviously this is not always the case for every single day and I have learned to be ok with the variables that life tends to throw, but one thing that I have tried to…
Phew! After 1.5 years of contemplating, going back and forth, tears (a whole lot of them), and venting sessions, I finally left my corporate digital marketing job. In a pandemic. The Backstory I started this particular job back in July 2017, and by my 2nd year there, I was ready to find a new job. Mainly because I realized…
Well, we are about 8 months into this thing. Honestly, did not think we would still be here but we are and it’s taking a heavy mental shift to accept this current new reality as is. Like most people, when the pandemic first hit, I was distraught. Emotionally, it was hard to wrap my mind around wtf was…
This post was originally published in July 2020 and has been updated as of February 2022 There are a number of different must have tools for content creation that have become integral to my work as an influencer and content creator. Continue reading for a breakdown, from camera to software to equipment, I’m sharing it all! EQUIPMENT First…
These last few months have truly testing my security in myself. I don’t know what it is, but as of late, I can’t help but to question every single thing I do, every thought I have, the moves I make, what I say, how I look. It’s been a bit too constant for my…
Blogging, influencing, and content creating are all professions. That’s the fact of the matter. Once you sign a contract to render services for a client, you are now a freelancer. And with any profession, there is always best business practices that needs to be addressed. This post will be sharing the business side to being an influencer. While…