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Category: Faith

What Daily Bible Study Has Taught Me

At the start of quarantine, I made it a point to become more serious with my bible study. It was something that I was letting fall to the wayside because of time. Between my full time marketing job and being a full time content creator, I somehow couldn’t find the “time” to sit and have even…

How I’m Learning to Let Go and Let God

I’ve been staring at this blank screen of a post for the last two weeks because I honestly, wasn’t entirely sure what to share. I have my holiday content all queued up and ready to go but, that’s for the coming weeks. So in this “downtime”, I’ve been in what…

What I Learned from the Daniel Fast

The Daniel Fast is a 21-day fasting period where one abstains from meat, dairy, processed sugar and processed carbs in an effort to get closer to God through prayer and worship I went into this fasting period with a completely different mindset compared to other fasts I’ve done in the past. The only expectation I had was…

Journey to Financial Freedom Pt. 3: Tithing

I’m finally back with another post in my Journey to Financial Freedom! You can find the first two post here and here. This time, I’m talking about finances in the realm of spirituality: TITHING Tithing is one of those things that many people have polarizing opinions on. Some people feel it’s not necessary. Others…

4 Simple Ways to Invite God Into Your Life Everyday

Modern Faith Bible Study Binder Inviting God into your everyday life can sometimes feel easier said than done. Making the effort to acknowledge Him in everything you do can feel a bit taxing when you start to overthink it. But doing so has allowed me to keep my head above water when I feel the waves of grief, loneliness, sadness…

Hashtag Blessed

Since my mom’s passing, I have questioned God up and down about why he allowed her to go so soon. Was she not a faithful, prayerful, and BLESSED Christian woman who devoted her life to living out the purpose God made her for? So why would God, in all His glory and honor and magnitude and grace, allow…