At the start of quarantine, I made it a point to become more serious with my bible study. It was something that I was letting fall to the wayside because of time. Between my full time marketing job and being a full time content creator, I somehow couldn’t find the “time” to sit and have even 30 minutes with…
If you were following me on Instagram in 2019, you’d know that the beginning of 2020 marked a full year of me working out. *cues Marvin Sapp’s “Never Would’ve Made It”* I really didn’t think I had it in me, but then again, once I put my mind to something, there’s no stopping it. So…
Hey party people. I haven’t been on here the last month (although I feel like my latest posts have consistently said that…yikes). But, we have a common denominator here, and that is: We are living through a pandemic and a social revolution. Now, if you’re like me and you’re working a “traditional” 9 to 5, then…
It’s close to 4 years since my mom passed. 4 years I didn’t think would even be possible without having her around. But we are here, thriving (as best as I can given the circumstances), and trying to live my life in honor of her. Earlier in the year, I finally made the decision to start therapy. It…
As someone who has been in the workforce for over 5 years, I’ve come to realize the benefits outside of a salary. Don’t get me wrong though, ALWAYS negotiate your salary offer with a new job or promotion…ALWAYS! But, if you’re needing some help in trying to leverage more out of a career position, then below…
This post is a paid collaboration with This Works, but all thoughts and opinions are my own. Thank you for the continuous support of The Daily Seyi! One thing I take a bit of pride in is making sure I get a good night’s rest almost every night. Sure, there are some nights where I wish I had an…
I’ve been blogging for almost 8 years now. So I would say I have a good amount of knowledge on this topic and what has helped me become more efficient, what has worked to help me remain consistent, and how I am able to better manage this platform all by myself. If you just started a blog, or have…
My name is Seyi, and I am a perfectionist. And I don’t say that to sound cool. Or in a lighthearted manner. After sitting with myself down and really thinking, it dawned on me that I am a perfectionist, and it has somewhat been mentally debilitating. Let me explain: Growing up, I strived for perfection. I wanted to be…